Baby R | Birth and Fresh 48 | Utah Birth Photographer
Truly Photography | Utah Birth Photographer I absolutely loved my labor with my son. It took us a bit to get pregnant, much longer than I had planned on it taking. Pregnancy was just a whirlwind of emotions and experiences. By the time it was March I was SO ready to give birth and so excited to meet my little person. My labor was quick and, quite honestly, easy. I know labor isn’t that way for everyone, but I had a great experience. Meeting my baby was beyond words. I’ve said this before, but if I have one regret from that day it’s that I didn’t have a Birth Photographer there to capture the experience. I was afraid to have someone see “all that.” I also didn’t know how my labor would go, so I wasn’t sure I was wanting to let someone into that incredibly private moment. Now, I wish I had. I wish I had pictures of the moment we me our little bear. I am determined that whenever we have another baby we’ll have a photographer there.
Becoming a Utah Birth Photographer
After giving birth myself, I became a tiny bit obsessed with the whole birth process. Not creepily obsessed, but interested enough that I talked about it with my husband all the time, considered becoming a Labor and Delivery RN, and dreamt of being able to be a Utah Birth Photographer. Because I work full time, however, I figured the possibilities of me being able to be a Utah Birth Photographer were a bit slim. One day, my boss asked me if I could do ANYTHING for work what it would be. I didn’t hesitate – “I’d be a Utah Birth Photographer.” “Well you have a photography business, why don’t you add births to your portfolio?” I explained that being on call is super hard when you have a full time job. He laughed, “Well consider yourself on call. If you want to be a birth photographer in Utah, then do it.” And that was that.

Baby R | Utah Birth Photographer
Val and I had played around with the idea of me shooting her sweet baby’s birth for a bit. When I got the okay from my boss we decided to make it happen. She kept me updated on the progress of her pre-labor after every appointment and I kept my phone on each night when I went to bed. Unfortunately, my sweet baby left my phone on the grass for the sprinklers to get one night, and so I had to be on call with Cameron’s phone. I was so panicked I was going to miss her call that night as my phone sat in a box of rice, but luckily that wasn’t the case.On call as a Utah Birth Photographer
Val and I stressed a bit because the week prior to her due date I went out of town for the weekend. I was so looking forward to the trip, but I was SO stressed she’d go in to labor while I was gone. All the drive home from California I counted down until we’d be close enough that even if she did go into labor, I could make it in time. Luckily for us, I barely made it home in time. The night we got home from our trip, she went in to labor. She texted me around 3am to let me know they were headed in to the hospital and at about 4am she called me to let me know she was admitted and had dilated to a 6. It was time for me to get there. Because I had been gone the whole weekend, my clothing was all packed away. I grabbed whatever I could find and threw it on. My hair was crazy and I didn’t have any makeup on, but I was so excited. I raced to the hospital and spent the morning with their sweet family until baby girl showed up. Being a Utah Birth Photographer was just as amazing as I had dreamed. It was incredible to capture the birth of a baby. I feel so blessed to have been able to share that sacred moment.To book a Birth Story or Fresh 48 Session
To protect my client’s privacy, I won’t post any of their birth story pictures, but here are some of my favorite from their sweet Fresh 48. If you would like to book a birth or a fresh 48 contact me HERE.

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Hi, I'm Kayla!
I’m Kayla, owner and photographer. I started this business as a side hustle to pay for my college tuition and am so grateful for how much it’s grown. It’s such a privilege to be able to shoot with my clients, year after year. I can’t wait to work with your family!
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