Lloyd Family | Family Pictures Utah

Family Pictures Utah | Truly Photography
I feel like I get to meet the sweetest people for Family Pictures Utah. This family was so fun to be around and so cute. Their sweet little guy was just to die for and so full of light.
Hacks for Family Pictures Utah
When it comes to shooting family sessions you definitely need to have some tricks up your sleeve. Mr. S was a super happy little guy, but he needed a little convincing when it came to staying in one place, smiling, and letting mom or dad hold him. My secret weapon for family sessions is colored mini marshmallows. YOU GUYS! I don’t know what it is, but kids LOVE mini marshmallows. I gave them to my baby one day because they were soft and sweet and he loved them. Then I brought them to church for him and my primary class saw them and wanted some. They also loved them. Then I decided to buy a bunch of bags to have on hand. I started bringing them to shoots and, you know what, kids love them, plus, they don’t change the color of people’s teeth or tongues and they’re not super messy. They are the perfect bribery tool.
Another hack that works sometimes is to play music on your phone. I have a few movie soundtracks that I whip out to get the kids dancing – who doesn’t smile when they are dancing? It keeps them in motion which creates fun emotions. I absolutely love when a picture session becomes a toddler dance party. And the images are stinking cute too!
This session was from my 2nd mini session night at Albion Basin. Two nights down, one to go! You can find other mini session snip its on my Instagram Account.
I’d love to work with you! If you would like to book Family Pictures Utah then please contact me.]]>
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Hi, I'm Kayla!
I’m Kayla, owner and photographer. I started this business as a side hustle to pay for my college tuition and am so grateful for how much it’s grown. It’s such a privilege to be able to shoot with my clients, year after year. I can’t wait to work with your family!
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